Monthly Target
Annual Target
Charity Name | Japan Comunity | Charity type | Community |
Monthly Donations Target | 5000.00 | Current Donations | 1000 |
Annual Donations Target | 60000.00 | Current Annual Donations | 1000 |
We welcome people who align with our aims and want to make a difference. The Japan Community of Queensland Inc (JCQ) welcomes membership applications from anyone who supports the association’s aims and objectives. The dominant objects of JCQ are advancing mental health and preventing and relieving social isolation with the Japanese community and the broader community by bringing people together at a physical location where the association will aim to: support Japanese elderly, victims of natural disasters and/or domestic violence by: connecting them with a community and support network; working on community projects and undertaking cultural acti vities; facilitating group activities; at the physical location of the ass ociation; fund and organise disaster relief for community m embers’ direct family members in Queensland and Japan; and distribute information about community groups, businesses and artists to promote a more connected community for members.